GreyCTF Quals 2024 - The Last Dance
Table of Contents
Hello, still me again :) this is my writeup for GreyCTF Quals 2024. To be honest, its not that hard and glorious to even pull a writeup for this, but to me, this is the last time i play with my team that have been with me over last 2 years and maybe, it’s also the last official ctf contest for me cuz now i have no team (still play solo in order to study), so i will call this the last dance :) Therefore, I want to leave something as a farewell for this 2-year wonderful adventure. Hope my team will achieve what they want and deserve to.
Anyway, this time, i almost made it through those Misc challenges, but because i was so busy in Swiss while the contest was being hosted, I couldnt manage to clear and brought shame to our team. In this writeup, I would give writeups to those I did manage to solve on time(after contest too) :)
Misc #
1. Sanity Check #
flag: grey{w3lc0m3_to_gctf2024_enjoy_your_stay!}
2. Cats at the beach #
They give us an image look like this:
Kinda easy for me because im a Vietnamese and have just visted this 3 months ago :))) It is a beach in Da Nang, but not that one it should have been -_- the right one should be Mỹ Khê beach instead of the flag.
As u can see, there is a white dot in the far left of the beach on the mountain, that is a buddha statue in a pagoda, and the mountain it located on is Sơn Trà Peninsula. Using GG Lens for searching, u will soon find out where it is because this is one of the most famous beach cities in the world :D
flag: grey{pham_van_dong}
3. Grey Divers #
flag: grey{i3mm_e1w3st_2_n3oU10o3E!}
4. All about timing #
import time
import random
print("Guess the number I'm thinking of? It's all about the timing")
x = input("Your guess:")
n = random.randint(1000000000000000, 10000000000000000-1)
if int(x) == n:
with open("flag.txt") as f:
print(f"Wrong answer! The number I was thinking of was {n}\nRemember it's all about the timing!")
So this is random number using the seed is your current exactly time, we just need to write a small script doing this:
from pwn import *
import time
import random
# Define the server address and port
target = remote('', 31111)
#target = process(["python3", ""])
n = random.randint(1000000000000000, 10000000000000000-1)
target.sendlineafter(b"Your guess:", (str(n).encode()))
flag: grey{t1m3_i5_a_s0c1al_coNstRucT}
5. Poly playground #
import numpy as np
from pwn import *
target = remote('', 31113)s
for _ in range(100):
received_data = target.recvuntil(b"\nRoots: ")
print("Received:", received_data.decode())
roots_str = target.recvline().decode()
roots = list(map(float, roots_str.split(',')))
coefficients = np.poly(roots)
coefficients_int = [int(coefficient) for coefficient in coefficients]
coefficients_str = ','.join(map(str, coefficients_int))
print("Sending:", coefficients_str)
target.sendlineafter(b"Present the coefficients of your amazing equation:", coefficients_str.encode())
flag: grey{l0oks_lik3_sOm3one_c4n_b3_a_po1ynomia1_w1z4rd}
6. Cashhat The Ripper #
use fcrackzip
with infamous rockyou.txt
flag: grey{W34k_P4ssw0rds_St4Nd_n0_Ch4nc3}
7. Out in Plain sight #
Looking at the @
provided, we immediately think of Instagram :). Heading there and the only sus thing we find is the reels published there. Watched it carefully and we will have:
flag: grey{y0uR_eYeS_aRe_5hArP}