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ISITDTU Quals 2023

·5 mins
Writeup Reverse Misc Top tier CTF

Hello, this is my Misc Writeups for ISITDTU Quals 2023. I have been waited for it since last year, but sadly, I was responsible for Reverse and Misc and I couldnt clear any of these 2 sections :< and this is the first time I played with a new team ( my brother’s team ), so it was kinda interesting to talk about. Now, let’s get started !!


1. welcome #



Used cypher detect to find out which kind of encoding was, I saw that it used ASCII-85 to encrypt the flag, now we just simply decode it and get the flag

alt text

flag: ISITDTU{wellcOme_t0_ISitdtu_ctf}

2. traffic #


I found a strange process on my computer trying to connect to the internet, can you tell me what it sends?

Attachment: traffic.pcap

Opened it with wireshark and exported the object in HTTP to see files sent and received, I saw that one sussy file here:

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After downloaded, I opened the file and had this:
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Looked like it was encrypted by something, but first we could see that%3D sussy in the end. Doing some research we would know that it is URL encoding and those%3D was just = symbol.

Fixing a little bit and we will have: O4ZWY3C7MQYG4M27NAZXEM27GFZV66JQOVZF6ZTMGRTQ====

now it looked like baseN encrypting, trying will multiple encrypting way and we see that it was Base32:

alt text

flag: ISITDTU{w3ll_d0n3_h3r3_1s_y0ur_fl4g}

3. Famous girl #


Cithrel Wynhice, a captivating social media influencer known for her beauty and wanderlust, had embarked on a journey to explore the enchanting landscapes of China. Her followers eagerly awaited her posts, hungry for the next breathtaking photo or exciting adventure. However, what started as a picturesque exploration soon turned into an unexpected mystery.

Format flag: ISITDTU{f4k3_fL49}

At first, at any other challenges, I started at twitter but couldnt find anything helpful, so I headed to Insta and I had this:

alt text

U will soon find her name was sth like caesar cipher and there was a binary string, but dont be hype soon, that was just author’s joke.

Now it was a bit, kinda guessy that, u will need to direct to Threads if u want to continue the game. Fortunately, it is accompanied with Insta so just use the old username and we can find the account. On Threads, u can find a binary string too on her bio, decode it and we have:

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This time, it provided us with a link. Access it we will have:

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One more time we will have something looked like troll, but dont be angry, it was the flag and can u see, it is kinda weird because it has long innecessary space, we might see it related to white space encoding, using some online tools and we will have:

flag: ISITDTU{4_n3w_w4Y_t0_5hAr3_wjtH_t3xt}

4. Discover #


During her trip to China, Cithrel Wynhice posted a flycam-captured photo on her social media and challenged her fans to locate the exact spot in the picture and tell her the name of the tall building across from it.

Format flag: ISITDTU{danang_azura_apartment}

Yes, its time to geosint a little bit now, lets dig deeper her Threads account. Scroll down more and u will see this:

alt text
alt text

The random number string reminded me to the url of a post, and by using the formula:[random string here][random string here]

U will see the facebook was one more troll, but not the twitter one. alt text It is linktree, a tool to manage accounts. Downloading the image on twitter and use Aperi Solve, u will have her linktree account through exiftools: But we will have nothing related to this challenge but the next challenge. Now it seems to hard, so by googling popular social media platforms, i found Mastodon (tooo guessy)

Accesss to her Mastodon account, we will have this:

alt text

Using GG image find and knowing her watching this on a video, we will soon find it on youtube with this link:

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Watching the video, u will find this

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And this is the one we need to find:

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By doing some googling its name HITIME, we will know the address and remember to use baidu map for the full addresss for the tallest building

flag: ISITDTU{shanghai_citic_plaza}

5. Communication #


It seems like Cythrel Wyhnice wants to have a place to socialize with her fans.

Format flag: ISITDTU{f4k3_fl4g}

Remember her linktree account? We had a Discord server and a video, ignore that video, u see that there are a secret channel containinng too many flag links. It is okay to bruteforce but there was another way. This time, we are out of ways, so 1 more (guessy af) way is to use wayback machine with the twitter post and u will find this:

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Click on her account, and use the arrow on the top right of the screen that we can see older version of the profile:

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alt text

See that random string, combine with the discord, we might think to the message url.

Click and we will have:

alt text

Using Xiao Steganography to extract the xls file from that. And open the file we will have:

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Select all and press Ctrl + Shift + ~ u will get the flag:

alt text

Been saying that, after the context, i learnt there was another method. That is to use zsteg -a flag.bmp and u will find something unusual: “TAG:Int21” Next, use the command: zsteg -E b1,lsb,bY flag.bmp > data_file to extract the data to a file named “data_file.” Open “data_file” with Excel and search for “ISITDTU” to find the flag too. I stil dont really understand this way :)

flag: ISITDTU{3xc3l_trjck_t0_hjd3_t3xt}